How To Increase Facebook Photo Likes Free Easy Way 2018 Are you looking to increase the number of Facebook Likes on your business Page? You're in the right place!
The Facebook Like has taken a battering among marketing circles in the past year or so, but there are a few things which remain true, no matter what:
  1. With 2 billion users, Facebook still comprises the largest collection of prospective customers in the world. Your business needs to have a presence on the platform.
  2. Having more Facebook Likes is a symbol of your business' legitimacy, as well as giving you a platform to speak to customers and prospective customers alike.
  3. A “Like” on your Facebook Page is not just a vanity metric - it signifies a real person showing interest in your business and wanting to learn more and hear more from you.

Strategy #1: Increase Facebook Likes with Contests & Giveaways:

Facebook contests are the easiest way to get people excited about your brand, your products, and draw new users in to Like your Facebook Page. The lure of a big prize (one that’s relevant to your specific target market) makes it an easy ask for your target customers to also “Like” your Page and become your Fan.

Strategy #2: Add Facebook-Like Call to Actions to your Blog:

Do you have a business blog? Most businesses do, even if it's just a place for you to report news or, periodically post an article. No matter what, I bet it has more traffic than your Facebook Page.

Strategy #3: Add social media icons to your emails

This is a super simple, but often missed, way to increase your Facebok Likes. And it takes no time to implement.

Strategy #4: Create a Facebook Fan-Specific Coupon

What's the value of Liking you on Facebook? What does someone get out of it.
It can't just be your awesome Posts. There has to be something in it for them.
That's where a Fan-Specific coupon comes in: something offered on your website (perhaps promoted with a popup or footer) which showcases the specific value of Liking you on Facebook.

Strategy #5: Ask Your Email Subscribers to Like your Page

As I said above, even an early-stage business likely has a few email contacts. Why don't you give them the opportunity to engage with you on Facebook as well as over email?
This is a strategy which can be used right when you're starting out (as soon as you create your Facebook Page) as well as down the line when you really start building your email list.